The purpose of this privacy statement (“Privacy Policy”) is to inform you about our practices relating to the collection, processing and dissemination of information and Personal Data. that we receive from you through your use of the online programs, websites and services (“Services”) provided.

Unless otherwise stated, this Privacy Policy applies only to information collected through the Services and direct communications between you and us. It does not apply to information we collect at any other website or application, including when you call, write or communicate with us in any way other than through the Services. You authorize your information and Personal Data to be collected, used and shared pursuant to the Services and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Your personal data will only be processed in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws.

1. How we collect personal data from you

We only collect and process data necessary to enable us to provide services to you. We collect data after you browse or shop at

To complete and deliver your order, we process personal information such as your name, billing address, shipping address, payment information, mobile phone number, phone number and email address. We collect your phone number so we can call you if there are any problems with your order; We collect your email address to send you an order confirmation.

We collect your email address when you sign up for a free or discounted trial.

If you register for our account, we will collect your name, email address, password, country and IP address.

When you contact our customer support team, we may collect additional data to help us resolve any queries relating to your order, delivery, payment or any queries. Which is yours? any other of yours.

On, we track and process information about your browsing activity, including the pages you visit and how you use them. If you have created an account, we will track your use of the website when you visit specific sections of the website.

If you are a customer of or have given us your consent, we may collect and process your data for marketing activities.

When you call our customer support team, your call will be recorded.

2. What purpose does this data serve?

We use this usage data for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Processing orders.
  • Increase service quality.
  • When appropriate, contact the customer to resolve the issue.
  • Market analysis.
  • Customer service.
  • According to the intended audience, provide advertising and content.
  • Internal management or according to the provisions of law.

With your consent, we may send you emails about our goods, services, upcoming products and other updates. Email marketing (if applicable).

Therefore, we may also receive information from third-party ad networks and ad servers, such as statistics about the number of ads displayed and clicked. services in a manner that conceals the personal identity of any particular person. Although much of the usage data we receive is anonymous, we will treat it as personal if we directly and specifically link it to you.

3. Cookies/Tracking Technologies

We employ local storing and tracking technologies, such cookies.

3.1. Cookies and Local Storage

Local storage and cookies might be made and accessed on your machine. On your initial visit to the Service, a cookie or other local storage that specifically identifies your browser will be sent to your computer. Your computer’s browser sends a little file containing a string of characters known as a “cookie” when you visit a website, which is then stored locally on your device.

Some well-known Web services employ cookies to provide clients helpful features. Various websites may send cookies to your browser. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can configure your browser to reject all cookies or to alert you when one is being sent, but doing so will prevent you from using the features or making the most of all of our features. If you erase all cookies from your browser after setting it to do so, you will also need to reset it to reject all cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent.

3.2. Location-Identifying Technologies

Some well-known Web services employ cookies to provide clients helpful features. Various websites may send cookies to your browser. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can configure your browser to reject all cookies or to alert you when one is being sent, but doing so will prevent you from using the features or making the most of all of our features. If you erase all cookies from your browser after setting it to do so, you will also need to reset it to reject all cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent.

3.3. Log Files

A log file is a file that records actions associated with your use of the Service, including details about how much you use it. When you access, use, and interact with the Services (even if you have not created an account or logged into your account), we may collect information about your IP address, the time and date you registered for an account, the language you selected, the browser and operating system you used, the internet service provider, the referring and exit pages you used, the pages you requested, the user agent, date and time stamps, clickstream data, information about your search and clicks, and other usage data.

3. Information You Choose To Submit

By withholding any personal information about yourself or other details that could be used to locate you (collectively referred to as “Personal Data” in this Privacy Policy), you can use the Services anonymously. On the other hand, you must provide some Personal Data (such your name and email address) as well as a username and password if you wish to register to access the Services. In addition to the additional uses listed in this privacy statement, we may also use your personal information to fulfill orders, improve our services, keep you informed about new products and services we offer, and for other reasons.

We refer to all non-personal data as “Non-Personal Data” and include use statistics, demographic data, and de-identified personal data as examples. If Personal Data and Non-Personal Data are mixed, the resulting information will be subject to this Privacy Policy.

All Personal Information, Non-Personal Information, and User Submissions are collectively referred to in this privacy statement as “User Information.”

We may record your IP address and/or other identifiers in addition to your responses when you complete a quiz, survey, or cast your vote in a poll on the Services. This is done in order to provide you with a result (for quizzes), report and analyze the results of your survey, or record your vote as part of the final tally (for polls). We may also use and distribute personal information for marketing purposes, as specified in this Privacy Policy.

Here are examples of User Information we may collect:

(1) Account access and authentication require credentials. They consist of data as well as passwords and hint information.
The demographic information includes information about your age, gender, and nationality.

(2) Your first and last name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other similar contact information are referred to as “Contact Data.”

(3) Payment information consists of the number of your payment instrument (such as a credit card number) and the security code particular to that instrument. If you make a purchase, payment information is necessary in order to process your payment. Except for incomplete information, such as the last four digits of your credit card, Payment Data will never be collected, stored, or otherwise processed by anyone other than our third-party payment processors.
Your username, preferences, list of favorites, and other profile details.

(4) Contacts: Any contact information you voluntarily choose to give us so we can handle a request you make.

(5) Content is the information in messages you send to us, such as reviews and comments you write about products, or questions and information you provide to customer care. Additionally, we collect the data from your conversations that is necessary to provide you with the services you use.

4. Information Use

The following are some of the ways we make use of the data we collect, including Personal Data and Usage Data:

  • To make it possible for you to use our services, to process the data you give through them (such as confirming the validity and usability of your email address), and to complete your transactions; transaction processing and sending you any relevant information;
  • To offer relevant customer support and care, such as answering your queries, grievances, or comments, as well as sending surveys and processing survey replies;
  • To notify you of any modifications to our privacy policy, terms and conditions, or other policies, as we see fit;
  • To fulfill regulatory and legal requirements; as well as for other reasons specified at the time your information is provided and as further outlined in this Privacy Policy.

5. Changes

In the event that we make any major changes to this Privacy Policy, we’ll post a notice in the appropriate locations on the Services to let you know. We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. We reserve the right to give you notice in other methods, such as using the contact information you have provided.

Unless otherwise specified, any changes to this privacy statement shall take effect as soon as they are published. If you use the Services after the revised Privacy Policy goes into effect (or take any other action specified at that time), it will be assumed that you accept the changes. However, without your consent, we won’t use your personal information in a manner that materially differs from how it was meant to be used.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact our support team at [email protected].